(LT) Happy Birthday Park Jungsoo!

Dearest Jungsoo,

Happy, happy birthday to you!

To be honest, I do not know what to say to you for your birthday. I will blabble a lot so I hope you don’t mind. 

Last week, I wished for your happiness and success through a lantern in Pingxi. I don’t know, to be honest, why I wrote your name and wished for you – maybe because it has been a habit of mine to include you in anything that I do. I know, I sound so obsessed and delusional but, you would not mind, right? If ever, I wanted it to come true this year. I know that happiness is subjective and that a person cannot only experience happiness. But if I continue to light a lantern for you, I would. A person can experience pain and suffering also. But it can also be a kind of happiness. The happiness from overcoming the pain and suffering exceeds the happiness from good things. It means that you are strong and you inspire other people.

You have been my inspiration to be kind and to be courageous, and these are the traits that I like from you. You have been my strength and even though you don’t know it, I am still thankful for that.

I still love your imperfections because they make you really one of a kind. As I said before, you are the only one in the world for me.

I might possibly have someone else in my life soon, a crush or a lover in real life but you will remain special in my heart. You hold the most of my heart. You know that, right?

I am still holding your hand. I will never let go.

I was busy because of school and work. And guess what? I will start my new career path in the same company today! Maybe we’re meant to be!

Please take a good rest and enjoy the rest of your day.

I love you so much, my sky.

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